At least not for me. The above seems to be a common response (among many others, which will be addressed in a separate blog entry down the road) when interacting with the general public, some of whom have had limited interaction with someone who has a disability of sorts. I have had countless experiences where someone (and not necessarily in a religious setting) has told me they will pray for my healing or would like to pray over me. I've almost always felt uncomfortable with this and have been making more of a concerted effort to politely decline. It's not that I don't appreciate the individual's prayer request, but if I'm being honest then I think it's only fair to say I feel like that is a complete waste of time and effort. Also, why should I feel uncomfortable so you can feel better about said prayer? I can "wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which one gets filled first." Chances are high that I won't see any healing to my disability, and many have prayed for the healing of a multitude of illnesses, etc. only to die waiting for that healing to come. I'm slowly learning to accept that I probably won't see it in my lifetime. Certainly there are far worse situations to find oneself in. Anyone who knows me at all over the last 15 years knows the struggle I've had when it comes to believing in any organized religion. I've been on both sides of that spectrum; firm believer, and absolute doubter. For me, it's always come down to this; if there is a God, and God doesn't create "mistakes", then there's nothing to be "healed" from because we are all made in his if that's the case then my being disabled, or someone else's ailments are all a part of God's perfect plan so there's no need to pray for healing. Maybe I'm wrong? I can only speak for myself and my experiences but feedback from others is certainly encouraged, as I would like to keep a respectful discussion going.